Scientific name: Arapaima gigas

Average lifespan
15 to 20 years

Up to 4.5 m

South America

Did you know?
Arapaimas consume mostly fish as their main diet. They also eat fruits, seeds, insects, birds, and mammals that can be found on the water surface.
Arapaima’s mouth works like a vacuum as they will open their mouth to suck up nearby food or prey.

Alligator Garfish
Scientific name: Lepisosteus spatula

Average lifespan
Up to 50 years

Up to 3.0 m

South-eastern United States

Did you know?
Alligator garfish are known to live and well-adapted in water with low oxygen levels.
They have thick air bladder that functions as a lung and also helps to regulate their buoyancy.
They may obtain as much as 70 percent of the needed oxygen from the atmosphere.