Sand Tiger Shark
Scientific name: Carcharias taurus

Average lifespan
Up to 15 years

Up to 2.2 m

Indo-west Pacific and Atlantic

Did you know?
Shark pups develop a series of teeth as early as their embryo stage.
Shark pups learn to hunt for food before their birth, where the largest embryo will feed the unfertilized eggs to stay alive in the womb.
Most of Sand tiger sharks only produce two pups at one time.

Green Sea Turtle
Scientific name: Chelonia mydas

Average lifespan
Up to 80 years

Up to 1.2 m

Tropical and subtropical coastal water

Did you know?
Green sea turtles are carnivorous species from hatchlings until the juvenile. As they grow mature, green sea turtles shift their diet to a more herbivorous diet.
Green sea turtles are herbivores and feed mainly on seagrass and marine algae.
Green sea turtles have sharp and strong horny beak which are ideal for chopping seagrasses.

Giant Moray Eel
Scientific name: Gymnothorax javanicus

Average lifespan
Up to 30 years

Up to 3.0 m

Indo Pacific

Did you know?
They will change their body colour from tan to brownish colour as a growing adult, the adult also has leopard-like spots around the head.
Giant moray eels form a symbiotic relationship with shrimps, where shrimps will clean Giant moray eels off from any parasites.
Giant moray eels spend most of their time hidden in cave or crevices and will attack the less fortunate prey that passes by.