Jewels of Jungle - Aquaria KLCC

Jewels of Jungle

Asian Small-clawed Otter

Asian Small-clawed Otter

Scientific name: Aonyx cinereus

Average lifespan

Up to 16 years


Up to 1.3 m


Indo-west Pacific

Did you know?

Asian small-clawed otters have the ability to close their nostrils and ears to block water from rush in while swimming.

To keep themselves warm when swimming, Asian small-clawed otters are coated densely with double layers of fur.

Asian small-clawed otters use their strong hind legs to propel in the water and strong tail to steer the direction when swimming.

Electric Eel

Electric Eel

Scientific name: Electrophorus electricus

Average lifespan

15 years


Up to 2.5 m


South America River

Did you know?

Electric eels can produce 650 volts of electric voltage which are the most powerful electric voltage that can be produced by a living organism in the world.

Electric eels have three pairs of electrical organs, like a set of batteries. They will send out weak electric signals to locate their prey while hunting.

Due to weak eyesight, this electrical voltage helps the electric eel to detect any presence of danger in a muddy river.

Tokay Gecko

Scientific name: Gekko gecko

Average lifespan

Up to 10 years


Up to 0.4 m


South-east Asia

Did you know?

Tokay gecko is known to be the master at climbing. The under skin on its toes that covered with tiny hairs gives them the ability to climb any type of surface including walls and glass windows.

Tokay gecko has an ability to cast-off its tail and regenerates a new one. The cast-off tails will continue to move for several minutes, providing gecko extra time to escape.

The ears of geckos look like small holes on both sides of its head and you can actually see straight through its heads through its ears.